My Union Loom came to me in peices. And it had been 1o years since I took weaving in college, so it was quite the challenge to get it together. I had no directions and only a small black and white picture to guide me. But after many many hours, I finally got it in working order.
After all that time spent, I found a woman on the internet that has a Loom Manual Library. She has all these old manuals and will send a copy for a small fee. Her website is http://www.weaversfriend.com/
Just an amazing amount of information on weaving and old looms.
It is a two harness loom and weaves 36 inches across. I am now in the process of warping it for the second time. It will be eight threads per inch which is 16 threads per section which means 304 threads at 30 yards each. If you do all that math then it is 9120 yards of cotton rug warp. That will be an estimate of 20 rugs that I can do on that much warp.
It takes a lot of time but once it is done, it will be really fast and easy to get the rugs done.
Did you have any problem with the height of the pedals? On the one I just brought home, they are knee-height.
My pedals had some leather tied to them and I cut that off. Then I just had to play with it to make it work right.
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