Thursday, April 15, 2010

How to make hair jell

I read this article a while back about how most women are exposed to 70 different chemicals in the time it takes to take a shower and get ready for work in the morning. It talked about the chemicals in your shampoo, soap, hair products, makeup, nail polish and everything else we use. So that really got me thinking and I have been doing a lot of reasearch on using more natural products. In that reasearch, I found a cool recipe for hair jell. Take 1 T flaxseeds and add that to 1 cup of water. Bring that to a boil and then simmer for 10 minutes. Strain the flaxseeds out with a strainer and you have a jell that you can use on your hair. I also added a couple of drops of lemongrass essential oil. This should be kept in the refrigerator and will last for a couple of weeks.

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